Have you ever slept on the green grass and stared absent mindedly into the big bright blue sky? Have you seen those white cotton clouds playing around with each other? They form shapes that defy geometry but are so life like. They make you smile, they make you sad- simultaneously.
Have you ever slept on the brown banks of a murky but pleasantly flo

wing river and stared into the ripples formed by a distant fish-boat or an untimely tide? Have you heard the sound of a large group of fish virulently hitting the water surface with its tail and trying to form a chorus? Their actions seem imbecile but are so life like . They make you smile,albeit for a moment, they make you sad-immediately.
Specific incidents remind you of your happy past- a happy memory. Solitude serenades you with the melancholy of life. Tears adhere to rules of gravity, invariably and you grow up. I grow up every day. Most simple facets of life gives me an insight that helps me understand those incongruous feelings which titillate my sub-conscious.
Have you ever had a similar feeling my friend?
dada, creative juices toh ache kintu baire niye ashar jonno kono inspiration neyi akhon... hahaha..
ektu darao, shob creative juices beriye ashbe.. ;)
OMG.. one of THE BEST writings I have read in some time... :D Ki aar bolbo... shob to tui i likhe diyechish...
Thank-you so much for this peaceful reminder of God's love! And thank-you so much for your encouraging words on my blog...I loved them! Thanks again~
Lovely thoughts! and though I have expeienced the things you describe.. The sadness was not following the happiness..
in my case it has been the other way around ;)
The vicious circle , aye?
A million times a million times and i still remember myself doing that once perhaps 3-4 years ago! The feeling is still so strong and u have made me feel for it even more!!....
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have seen and felt like that often..and you've put it in the 'bestest' way possible!! :)
hehehe..dint realise you are moderating!! sorreee!!! delete the extra ones plsss!! :D
hey!!! good one....u've got a nice swing of writing!!!! hopin 2 read more of ur archives!! n ya...im bhavani's cousin!!!
Wow, that feels like it really and truely came from the heart. That was beautiful. I had similar thoughts this past week when I was watching a storm. I love the way the trees sway, and the rain comes down in sheets...it's captivating, to say the least. And most of all, I LOVE standing in the rain. Maybe I will promote myself to dancing. :)
Thank you for your comment, it gives me hope.
what a great way to express the unexplainable..
lovely !
It's a new year.....it would be great to read a new post. Missing your wonderful writing!
I have felt it.. You spruced it up for me..... You are too good with your writing Bala...
Its true....solitude serenades us with melancholy.But as it goes, what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us,and solitude brings us close to understanding that.It shuts off, for a brief period the noise,the chaos and the cacophony of the outside world.It helps us to introspect on why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do;and true to human nature,we tend to look at the pain,grief,hate.....that we suffer at the hands of others.But this is not our fault---pain and grief are natures reminders to the soul that the pleasure it enjoys is only a feeble hint of the real delight of existence.In each pain is the secret of a flame of rapture compared with which our greatest pleasures are only dim flickerings.It is this secret which forms the attraction for the soul of the great sufferings and fierce experiences of life which the nervous mind in us shuns and abhors.
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