Have you ever slept on the green grass and stared absent mindedly into the big bright blue sky? Have you seen those white cotton clouds playing around with each other? They form shapes that defy geometry but are so life like. They make you smile, they make you sad- simultaneously.
Have you ever slept on the brown banks of a murky but pleasantly flo

wing river and stared into the ripples formed by a distant fish-boat or an untimely tide? Have you heard the sound of a large group of fish virulently hitting the water surface with its tail and trying to form a chorus? Their actions seem imbecile but are so life like . They make you smile,albeit for a moment, they make you sad-immediately.
Specific incidents remind you of your happy past- a happy memory. Solitude serenades you with the melancholy of life. Tears adhere to rules of gravity, invariably and you grow up. I grow up every day. Most simple facets of life gives me an insight that helps me understand those incongruous feelings which titillate my sub-conscious.
Have you ever had a similar feeling my friend?