Thursday, December 29, 2005

Food for thought........

One of the original soundtracks (OST) of the Popular Hollywood Motion Picture-'The Thomas Crown Affair', has a lot to say behind these lines. Well i seriously feel so. But i am really unable to figure out what the lyrics are trying to say.

'Everything is never quite enough', that’s for sure, but the song theme is such that it makes u feel that there is some kind of deep lust and unfulfilled desire which is being craved for. What do you exactly feel??

It may be difficult to get too deep into the actual feeling of the song, without actually listening to it. (OST by Wasis Diop). Give it a shot. It’s like 'food for thought'

Moments take so very long who has time to fear?
Trust is set on precedent; why should it be I who bleeds?
Giving you a little less, forsaking what I need.
Everything is never quite enough.

Let machinery fake my face Who has time to chase?
Digital is where it is; love can always be replaced.
Welcome to my consciousness - welcome to our race.
Everything is never quite enough.

Can't see my face: what are you thinking?
Fill in the space, please - oh let me hear you....

Sterilized behind these gates, locked behind the green.
Even if I had you here - what we had was never clear
No more words to say to you; no more thoughts appear

Life was taking way too long, who had breath to waste?
Tired of disappointing you, bored with everything I do.
Every day there's less of you. Me, I've been erased.


The tide comes and the tide goes,
leaves behind tears of despair..
and a hushed silence,
the tide and fate had a brief affair..

nincompoops we are,
we cry at what is lost..
fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony,
they had nothing to boast.

standing on the shore,
we look at the vast beauty...
never do we look deep,
to see the biggest calamity .

rocking on this easy chair,
its easy to say i know...
they dont need empathy anymore,
its time to help and show...

so this is a call to all who care,
to help and rebuild lost hopes and bases...
to show humanity is more than mere patronizing,
Lets put the smiles back on those innocent faces!!**


I thank Aakarsh from the bottom of my heart for making me realise!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Other Side Of The Darkness

last night, as usual, i put up at my friends' place to basically study for the coming exams. serious times demand serious there we were thinking what should be the plan of action for the forthcoming series of dilemmas.we decided finally that we had enough of fun for the semesters and now we needed to buckle up and start studying if there was any intention of passing.we decided that the moment was right now.

but as destiny had planned out for us, the power in the area went off as soon as we started. disgusted by the fact that even fate cannot stand us studying, we searched for the pack of cigarettes( required light coming from the cell phones )and went out on to the road to drag.with strong disgust we looked around the surroundings and found that the only illumination was our cigarttes and the twinkling stars.

now how can someone be mad at the night for long when you see the mesmerizing reflection of twinkling stars on the briliantly shining armour of the glorious darkness? not me at least and i was proud of the fact that my friends were enjoying the darkness as much as i was.our minds were racing...thoughts were flying into the open sky when we realised that it has been really so long that we have risen above the concrete jungle to truly appreciate the beauty of nature,day or night! the darkness was a bliss.

but somewhere out there in the vastness of the sky,my favourite lady was missing! she was hiding from us for some unknown reason; may be she despises the fact that we never stop for a moment to appreciate her immortal beauty,rather we utilise the night to look out for earthly heartwarmers without blemishes,very much like the blind bats in search of their soul mates.and as the gardener protects his fruits from the deadly assault of the bats,it seemed the sky was hiding her most savoured fruit from the lurking eyes of us-the bats!

we succumbed to the stunning yet subtle charm of the night that was devoid of any moon light but still managed to spellbind us with a rich elixir called sheer darkness. the distant stars shone like millions of magnificiently cut diamonds,pouring their cosmic blessings on us. we were basking in the glory of the darkness when suddenly a sharp ray of light pierced the atmosphere like a flash of a sword and the entire ethereal feel of the moment was assassinated forever.

the power had been restored, the divine blessings stopped abruptly and made us feel like naked people suddenly realising the power of a thousand staring eyes. unfortunate as we are, we went inside our rooms and took up our books to show that life is a show and the show has to go on!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


If the sun by the cloud is hidden a bit,
If the welkin shows but gloom
Still hold on yet a while, brave heart,
The victory is sure to come.

No winter was but summer came behind,
Each hollow crests the wave,
They push each other in light and shade;
Be steady then and brave.

The duties of life are sore indeed,
And its pleasures fleeting, vain,
The goal is shadowy seems and dim,
Yet plod on through the dark, brave heart,
With all thy might and main.

Not a work will be lost, no struggle vain,
Though hopes be blighted, powers gone;
Of thy loins shall come the heirs to all,
Then hold on yet a while, brave soul,
No good is e'er undone.

Though the good and the wise in life are few,
Yet theirs are the reins to lead,
The mases know but late the worth;
Heed none and gently guide.

With thee are those who see afar,
With thee is the Lord of might,
All blessings pour on thee, great soul,
To thee may all come right!

- Swami Vivekananda (12 Jan, 1863 - 4 July, 1902)

may his bleesings be poured on all of us.

Friday, December 16, 2005

About My Life...

now that i have started writing more or less frequently and feeling proud to be a blogger i would like to introduce the world to the living legend( no!!! not you-know-who you stupid morons.... that is Aakrash's forte anyways )- the man himself, the author...ME.
i am a sagittarian( my birthday just went by,no points for guessing) and true to its core. an archer by the sign who has targeted many a woman in his life but his cupid with the arrow has always boomeranged to hit him where the sun never shines! being born on the 13th of the 12th month has its own agonies i guess. but then again,like a true blue sagi, i never give up hope and i try and try,much like the mice who turned milk to cheese, and get to my target. but then again i am a hopeless romantic who is in love with the idea of being in love more than actually being in love. same can be said about my literary creations also, i guess. i love the thought of writing a poem probably more than i like writing poems.
often i sit back like there is no tomorrow and the beer bottle in my hand starts talking in my mind only to be boosted by the light breeze gently accompanying the mild music floating into my ears from some distant horizon. my life, my dreams start passing in front of my eyes and the thoughts,outrageous they might be -nonetheless very close to my heart, flow out like the champagne which silently fumes inside a transluscent bottle only to be unleashed like a beast when you cork it out during some celebration. i feel myself going through a special journey called life where every step taken is a bottle of champagne opened and i drink life to the fullest. i wish sometimes if only i could pen those thoughts down but my tremblesome hands contradict my turbulent mind. the burning cigarette between my fingers have the uncanny resemblence with my brain-children. they burn with passion, live with breath but are ultimately blown in the air to smithereens and all that prevails is an eerie silence broken only by the mild music which again inspires the re-birth of the chain very much like a phoenix; which can be termed as the chain of my deepest thoughts or can simply be labelled the excuses of a chain smoker to run away from the reality called life.
i cannot tell you people what this blog promises to showcase but it definitely is the platform where i try my level best to conquer whatever is the hindrance for me getting in tune with my deepest darkest innermost thoughts. i might falter at every step but the sagi inside me promises to try even harder the next time to fight against the man in the mirror!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What not to do in your spare time

now that the crappy "tick- tock" psychology is out of my mind for good, i actually had an oppurtunity to look at life from a totally different perspective. it was feeling good be kind of reborn. so now that i had time to burn ,i once again turned to my favourite pastime( its a passion- if you can call it that), reading!!

for quite a while now i have been hearing rave reviews about one IIT guy writing a book called " Five point someone". it would be untrue to state that i was not curious about the book. actually i wanted to know what was so special about it. though my kind of reading is a bit different from normal sidney sheldons and jeffrey archers( dont ask what i generally do read) but still my curiousity led me to borrow the book from a friend and start being enlightened about" what not to do in IIT ".
so this guy, the male protagonist, is an engineeer in the making..genius enough to crack IIT but unfortunate enough to land up there. he is a happy go lucky kind of a character and the entire book is about his vodka-drinking-pot-smoking-system-blaming-girl-fantasizing escapades with his two brothers-in-arms partner-in-crime friends ,on top of the institute roof. the system there is ruthless and merciless and he cannot help faltering at every step and eventually land up with big disciplinary problems(sounds like my school days hehe ).the book is named the way it is because that is the Grade Point Average that the three friends managed in four years of rigourous IIT-style grinding and grilling. the story promises to turn out to be a real blockbuster but the reader cannot feel more helpless as the lucid but interesting style of narration holds the readers but at the end of it all there is very little to look out for. the story somehow lacks the punch( who wants to know what a loser did in his grad school when everyone has their own past to refer to -which just might be more interesting)and it becomes a moronic redundancy of foolishness by the protagonist and his friends. though it is hailed to be a work of fiction, somewhere down the line you feel the is author speaking his mind. well i managed to burn midnight oil to get to the end of it all and without much surprise when the morons finally graduate, i switched off the lights and did something that i should have done long back....slept off!
so here i am ,thoroughly unhappy with the outcome of the novel(if one can call it that)and cribbing over the fact that i wasted three precious hours of my life. but dont worry..not gonna revert back to my stupid psychology...will simply re-read the maestro.... Kahlil Gibran...ofcourse!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

tock tick

just realised something is not all about looking at the clock and thinking about the final sleep. today i understood why people actually enjoy the passing of time! i was in my college and the faculty was going gaga on some subject which has been perennially problematic for me to fathom. she was referring to the angle of incidence and i was busy calculating the degree of that very angle of incidence between the lecture and my that very crucial juncture of my calculation where i ws about to finalise the degree of inclination, it so happened that my eyes fell on the clock and to my utter suprise and shock, the first thought that breezed through my mind was not about the eternal journey but the eternity of the lecture. it was going on and on and on and all i could do was secretly but fiercely wish that the hands of the clock actually runs faster than 260 kms/hr ( courtesy : "you-know-who" ) and the lecture comes to an if not "screeching" but a permanent halt!! the breathless lecture was leaving me gasping for breath. it is at this point that the realisation started sinking in -- end of time is not necessarily for the worse; sometimes it can be even for the betterment of someone's life :-(

After a long hour which lasted for a couple of days(that is what i felt) the lecture stopped and i ran for some fresh air outside and ran till the college lab which facilitates me to satisfy the itch in my hand that longed for blogging this paradigm shift of philosophy...

if you are wondering what happened to this guy's "tick - tock" psychology -- i did not name the blog "The Moronic Exuberance of Youth" for nothing ;)

Friday, December 02, 2005

tick tock

one of my closest friends( or i think so) celebrated her birthday a couple of days back...well we had a big party and everyone enjoyed... i was watching the birthday girl very closely. she was beaming with happiness and looked like can take it for a 100 more years. well very sincerely i wish that too. but then again the objective of this mindless blabbering is something else... during the entire length of the party i was thinking about how people enjoy getting older and why are we , the so called friends and well wishers, are joining in that celebration?? okay 1 of the reasons was that she topped in the semesters and the results were published on that very day but then again am pretty sure ,that was only one of the reasons but definitely not the only or the biggest reason. the happiness of growing older was showing but did she or for that matter did any of us ever realise that with every passing hour, every passing minute, every passing second we are inching close towards our final destination? i presume not! so many things to do and so little time left..soon to complete 22 precious years of my life and with not many more to go, today i feel helpless,clueless and tongue tied... every time i take a look at the clock it tells me much more than mere tells me i dont have much time left. its a constant reminder that life is cruel- it will pass before your very own eyes and you can do nothing about it ! no body can! so what is the objective of all this... i dont know! am just afraid !! my friend who is a pretty regular writer on the blog suggested me the idea of expressig my fear through the doing that right now..still looking at the watch...still afraid!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

here cometh the man...

well as the name suggests comes the man..keep watching this spot for the IPO of the moron.... stay tuned!!

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"A Poet is a dethroned king sitting among the ashes of his palace trying to fashion an image out of the ashes"